Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog #7-Would You Connect to an Unsecured Wireless Network?

1. Would you use your neighbor's unsecured wireless home network without permission? Why or why not?

In the past I have used a neighbor's unsecured wireless home network; but after experience, I wouldn't do it again. I know I probably wasn't the only neighbor using the free internet, but it caused my computer to crash because I had recieved a virus that I didn't know about until there was nothing else I can do.

2. What would you do if you found out that someone was using your wireless home network?

I wouldn't find out about someone doing that because I put a code on mine; but if I was to find out, I would send a virus to that computer, put a code on the internet, and then set a distance length on my wireless internet.

3. How should legal authorities address such abuse?

They should approach the person and give them a warning at first to disconnect for their neighbors internet and then take action if they continue to do it.

4. How should violators be punished?

I don't think there should be any jail time unless they are doing something dangerous or continue to do it. I think there should just be a $250 fine.

5. Should those leaving their networks unsecured be punished, too? Why or why not?

I don't think people who leave their networks unsecured should be punished because I know some people have hard times with passwords and forget where they worte it down at, but I don't this it's smart to leave your internet unsecured.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blog #6-My Opinion on the Article.

Do I agree with employers asking applicants for their password? No I do not, there should always be a wall between someone's professional life and their personal/private life. I do think people should watch what they put on Facebook because I wouldn't won't someone who is representing my company using bad profanity on their page or posting inappropiate pictures. I don't think a password could make a difference in seeing whether or not someone is ready for that job. If employees/supervisors needs applicants password when they apply for a job, I'm pretty sure it's going to be used for more than just to see how they represent themselves to the public.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blog #5

Hello bloggers!!! This week we went discussed and learned about Microsoft Word 2010 in chapters 1 and 2. The easiest I had learned this week will have to be, don't always trust the spell/grammar check; they might correct the spelling of a word that have a different meaning or correct a grammar error and make it worse. This topic was easy to me, because I have kind of realized that in the past while working with Microsoft Word. The hardest of this chapter was making a flyer. I had no idea that this Microsoft Word was capable of designing flyer, it was pretty interesting and cool. I eventually caught on the technique because of the different tutorials.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blog #4-What Punishment for Webcam Spying Is Appropriate?

1. Should webcam spying be comparable to other types of spying? Why or Why not?

Yes it is very comparable. Whether you following someone secretly or hacking through someone computer and looking at them without their permission through the webcam, you still tryna look/find something thats not giving to you but is searched.

2. What kind of privacy should you expect when you are in a public place?

When going out in public, there's not really that much privacy. It's just best to NOT do anything in public that you don't want anoyone to find out. In my opinion if you put yourself out into the public, you shouldn't get offended when someone use that against you. For example, if someone put all their buisness on via Facebook, they shouldn't get mad if the whole town is talking about you.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blog #3- Should Apps Be Allowed to Track Your Location?



1. Do you have an expectation of privacy when you download an app?

I do expect to have my privacy when downloading an app.

2. Should the police be allowed to track GPS data without warrants? Why or why not?

 In my opinion I dont think the GPS should be tracked  without a warrant unless of an emergency; such as stolen vehicle, child abduction, kidnapp, or even a parent that is concerned about their childs/children (under 18) where abouts. I think everyone should have their own privacy and be able to go where ever they want without someone knowing their every move.

3. Would you use apps that post your location to your online social network profile or otherwise alert others of your whereabouts? Why or why not?

 If there isn't a setting change to post something without my location being post also, I would NOT use that app. On all my current social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, and Instagram), I have followers and friends all over the world. I do not know everyone that I am following, followers, or friends with. So, I do NOT want my location to show up on my social networks because I don't know what these people are capable of. I dont even know what the people I know personally capable of. So, I don't put any personal information on social networks and I wouldn't want an app to do it for me.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog #2

Hello my fellow bloggers. This week we went over the "Office 2013 and Windows 8:Essential Concept and skills" chapter. I learned some very interesting things in this chapter; for example, I never even heard of zipping a file so you can send everything at once. That information will help out a lot in the long run.The information and assignments in this chapter are really helpful and will help me in the future. I did find the zipping assignment very difficult but I had helped and learned the technique, now it is easy.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog #1

Hello everyone! Well, my name is Qualynn (many call me Q or Lynn). I am from the country, Whiteville, NC. I currently stay in Fayetteville, NC. My thoughts about technology is how advanced is it going to be when my son gets older and have his children. What next will they come up with? How many jobs are going to be taking away because of technology? How many dangerous malfunctions will they have? A lot of people look at technology as a easy way out of doing things, when really they are starting to taking place of actual human beings. Technology can be a good or bad thing, but I think some people abuse it. I remember growing up, the teachers would not let us use the calculators at all while doing math; but the society had got so attached to the calculator (including me) and DEPEND on a calculator. I do feel as if technology is running our lives, ESPECIALLY these smart phones. Most people with cell phones are addicted to them just like a crackhead is addicted to crack. If you riding down the road and you can be almost to your destination; I guarantee you, most people will turn around and go get there phone. Don't let your phone go dead and you don't have your charger on you. They will be walking around asking people for a charger, like a alcoholic asking for some money hahahahahaha=) As far as the future with technology; I don't think we even have a clue, because technology is advancing so rapidly.